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+353 21 743 1603
Project Specifications

Client: Capricorn Metals Ltd
Location: Western Australia
Date: 2020 – 2021


Síor Consulting Ltd. (Síor) was commissioned to provide comprehensive hydrological, hydrogeological, and geospatial/IT consulting services to Capricorn Metals Ltd (CMM) to assess and rebuild a numerical groundwater model. Numerical groundwater modelling works centred on a CMM gold project in Western Australia.

Understanding an area’s hydrogeological regime is a critical aspect of developing any mineral resource. By understanding this, one can develop strategies to mitigate the environmental impact mineral resource abstraction can have on the environment. In some regions, government departments and legislatures require the submission of Groundwater Models as part of the process of obtaining mining permits.

Project Requirements

Síor’s responsibilities include:

  • Assess and update previously produced Groundwater Vista’s Steady State and Transient groundwater models.
  • Characterisation of hydrological and hydrogeological regimes.
  • Development and review of updated groundwater models.
  • Submissions of recommendations to monitoring the real-world conditions throughout the life of the mine.
  • Conceptualisation and development of bespoke, Client centric, database solutions delivered as easily accessible web-based applications.4
Delivered Solutions

Síor applied our combined geoscientific expertise to:

  • Execute a comprehensive, data-driven, top-down, geospatial analysis to inform site-based activities to complete technical groundwater modelling works.
  • Carry out detailed site walkover to collect and interpret critical model parameterisation data.
  • Develop and refine hydraulic, hydrogeological, geological, and dewatering models.
  • Prepare and execute Steady State and Transient groundwater modelling across the area of interest (4,600 km²)
  • Prepare and manage geospatial data, culminating in the delivery of bespoke web apps to CMM.
  • Support CMM’s legislative reporting.
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