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Project Specifications

Client: Regis Resources Ltd
Location: Garden Well Gold Mine, Duketon Goldfields, Western Australia
Date: 2022


Síor Consulting Australia Pty Ltd. (Síor) was contracted by Regis Resources Ltd. to conduct a groundwater investigation and management strategy update for the Garden Well Gold Mine. The project focused on hydrogeological assessments, including characterising groundwater systems, updating existing groundwater models, and providing a strategy to manage dewatering activities for both open-pit and underground operations.

Project Requirements

The investigation was aimed at supporting sustainable mining operations and dewatering management, including:

  • Reviewing and updating a previous groundwater model to reflect changes in geological and operational conditions.
  • Evaluating groundwater dewatering requirements for the Garden Well South (GDUG-S) and Main (GDUG-M) underground operations.
  • Providing a numerical hydrogeological model and medium-term planning support to ensure efficient water management.
  • Identifying and mitigating hydrogeological risks associated with the mining processes.
Delivered Solutions
  • Updated and calibrated the previous groundwater model to reflect operational changes and geological updates, incorporating advanced hydrogeological data collection and analysis.
  • Developed a conceptual hydrogeological model for the mining site, including aquifer recharge, flows, and interactions with Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs).
  • Delivered a comprehensive groundwater management strategy, outlining dewatering recommendations for both short- and long-term operational goals.
  • Conducted on-site data collection and stakeholder engagement activities to support informed decision-making.
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