Síor Evolution
Síor Consulting Ltd. seeks to construct a diverse community of consultants, rooted in geoscience expertise. Síor is committed to providing innovative and sustainable solutions, employing industry-leading technologies.
Boasting an ever-expanding team of consultants, we have become a sector leading geoscience consultancy.
Síor provides services to clients across the world. Our goal is to bring the geoscience sector in line with a more sustainable and innovative model through the knowledge sharing we have initiated with the release of our ‘Geoscience Hub’.
Our consultancy maintains a close relationship with tertiary institutions, something we see as a ‘must’. In this role, Síor supports academic research, including writing of BSc, MSc, and PhD thesis. In turn, Síor gains direct insights to cutting edge developments across the sector.
Development of geoscience for the betterment of society is important to Síor Community. Society engagement is key to achieving this goal. An example of this work is the support we provide developing nations; specifically of late, the Government of Jamaica National Risk Infrastructure Platform (NRIP) and Samoa National Water Resources development project.
Síor Consulting Ltd intends to make its bespoke data insights freely available, as well as providing education and training in geospatial, IT, and machine learning.
If you have any questions regarding access to our Hub, products or services, please reach out to enquiries@siorconsulting.com. Please explore our website and feel free to communicate work and research opportunities; Síor Consulting welcomes open collaboration.
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